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Terms And Conditions

Please read and understand the expressions under each circumstance below


  • ā€œBuyer” is the person who buys goods from the Seller.
  • “Seller” is Bel-Patra.
  • ā€œGoods” means the products offered by the seller.
  • ā€œList Price” means the prices listed on the website for goods by the Seller for sale or as revised from time to time.
  • ā€œTerms and Conditions” means the terms and conditions of sale set out in this document and as amended from time to time.
  • ā€œYou/Userā€ is any person/surfer who registers with Bel-Patra or in process of purchasing goods from Bel-Patra.
  • ā€œWeā€, ā€œUsā€ or ā€œOurā€ is referred to Bel-Patra.

The use of this website, its services and tools are all governed by the below mentioned terms and conditions. If you make any transaction through this website, you shall undergo policies that are applicable to the website. If you transact with this website means you are contracting with Bel-Patra and you shall follow the terms and conditions.

Please note that ā€œyouā€ or ā€œuserā€ are agreeing to provide his/her data using the computation systems. Bel-PatraĀ allows its users to surfĀ  from this website without registration process but for purchase, you need to go through the registration process.

Please also note that when you use this website for purchase, browsing or reviewing, you are subject to guidelines, rules, policies, terms and conditions applicable to this website and its services. We reserve the sole right to modify, add, change or remove the portion or content of these Terms and Conditions without any notification

Restrictions applicable

Our shipments are carefully inspected before the items leave our warehouse, but if you are not satisfied with your purchase, please follow the instructions below:

    • The seller (Bel-Patra) will not be responsible for any damage, direct loss suffered by the buyer due to any negligence, breach of contract or excessive pricing of the goods.
    • The seller is not responsible for any economic loss, loss of profit or any indirect third party loss suffered by the buyer caused due to any reason such as negligence, failure to meet any estimated delivery date, misrepresentation or breach of contract.
    • All offers for goods purchased by buyers shall be treated as offers listed under the clauses given in Terms & Conditions (T&C). The seller may choose not to accept or cancel a particular order without giving any reason.
    • Placing an order on Bel-Patra will be automatically considered as an evidence for acceptance of T&C on Bel-Patra.
    • Any changes mentioned in T&C will be considered inapplicable unless the seller agrees the same in writing.

Sellers Rights

  • Bel-Patra reserves the sole right to
    • Remove inappropriate contents immediately with the right to report to the law enforcement authorities or legal bodies to action the same.Ā 
    • Cooperate for investigation of illegal activities on the internet
    • Revoke your access to this website at any time without giving any prior notice.
    • Suspend the operation of this website for some time being for maintenance work in order to update content or for any other reason.
  • If any provision of these T&C is held invalid or illegal by the court of jurisdiction for any reason, such provision shall be severed and the remaining provisions will be continued in full effect until invalid and illegal contents are eliminated.
  • Take legal action for submission of invalid or unauthorized contents / materials violates the copyright laws, laws of privacy and publicity, trademark laws and other regulations. In this case, user who posts such illegal contents shall be held responsible for such action or the person using the account by submitting user name and password.

You shall indemnify Bel-Patra and hold its officers, employees, directors, affiliates, business partners, agents and licensors innocent against any loss, damages, expenses, cost and liabilities incurred due to the negligence for the claim or demand from a third party for your use of the website or any person using your account on this website.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These terms and conditions shall only be governed by the law of India and any legal disputes/discrepancies will be heard or preceded in the jurisdiction of the Indian courts at Delhi only

Payment and Delivery

  • Pricing of the goods shall be specified similar as given in sellerā€™s current list price on the website inclusive of all application taxes (subject to availability).
  • No Cash on delivery option available currently.
  • The seller may decline sending any orders if the customer is found suspended for any reason.
  • The seller reserves the right to change and make correct pricing of goods if any error persists in the description of goods or pricing in the website catalogue.

Force Majeure

If the products delivery are delayed or failed for any reason from the events or circumstances which are outside of reasonable human control, neither of the parties will be held responsible for it (include war, act of god, lock outs, lockdowns, curfew, natural disaster such as earthquake, hurricane, floods, fires etc., breakdown of manufacturing equipment/machineries/shortage/unavailability of raw materials from a natural source of supply, or disruption in supply chain). In such case, the party is entitled for the extension on delivery.

Membership Eligibility

  • Bel-Patra website is available only to those users who can form legally binding contracts under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. Those who cannot follow the norms or are incompetent to the contract (including minors, undischarged bankrupts, etc.) are not eligible to use this website.
  • If you are a minor or under the age of 18 years, you shall not be a member of Bel-PatraĀ and shall not transact on this website.
  • Bel-Patra reserves the right to terminate your membership and refuse your access if it is brought to Bel-Patraā€™s notice or if discovered that you are underage to proceed.


If you use Bel-PatraĀ website or send us communication or information to use, you are thereby agreeing that you are communicating with us via electronic records and you agree to receive communications likewise. This includes email, phone, text or any other form of electronic communications.


  • You can become a member free of cost and enjoy the offers in However, we reserve the right to change this policy in future.
  • We also reserve the right to introduce new services and modify existing services offered on the website without any notice.
  • Once changes related to fees and policies are uploaded on the website, it shall immediately become effective.
  • If you are using this website, you are responsible for the maintenance of confidentiality of your User ID and Password and only you shall be responsible for all the activities on the website.
  • With the use of this website, you agree to this that providing any information that is inaccurate, untrue, and incomplete, not as per the terms of use then in that case we reserve the right to suspend or terminate or block access of your membership on the website.
  • Personal details provided by you toĀ Bel-Patra through account creation or order placement will only be used in accordance with our privacy policy and shall not be used for any purpose other than sending you emails with offers of your interest or as directed by law. By providing your personal details, you are agreeing to our privacy policy.
  • All prices are quoted in Indian Rupees (INR) unless otherwise stated. With the use of this website, you agree to this that you are responsible for all applicable laws including those in India for making payments.

Use of the Website


Bel-Patra owns all contents posted on website that includes all designs, photographs, logos, trademarks, music, artwork, visual interfaces. This also includes licensed, copyright, trademark laws, and various other property and competition laws.Ā 

With above being referenced, no content can be uploaded, copied, reproduced, posted, displayed, encoded, transmitted or distributed in any way for any purpose whether its personal or commercial.

Your access to this website does not allow you to host, modify, display, Upload, transmit, publish, share, update any information which:

  • Belongs to other person and you donā€™t hold any right to.
  • Is harassing, defamatory, encouraging gambling or money laundering, hateful, racially, invasive of otherā€™s privacy, obscene, pornographic, ethnically objectionable, unlawful, threatening, indecent representation of women under the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986 (misleading, patiently offensive to community including sexually explicit content, promotes racism, hatred, physical harm and otherwise).
  • Involves transmission of chain letters and junk mail, mass mailing or spam.
  • Harassment of another person.
  • Promotes illegal activities such as obscene, abusive, threatening, libellous and whatsoever.
  • Violates third party rights (intellectual property right, privacy, email address, physical address, phone no., personā€™s name).
  • Promotes unauthorised copy of other personā€™s copyrighted work such as offering pirated computer programs or links, providing information for copy of manufacture-installed devises, pirated music or links or files.
  • Hidden pages or images linked from another accessible page.
  • Adding materials that exploit other userā€™s violent, sexual or other inappropriate manner.
  • Provides information related to buying of illegal weapons, creating computer viruses or violating someoneā€™s privacy.
  • Includes any personā€™s images or photographs (minor or adult).
  • Unauthorised access to website, profiles, communities, blogs, friend request or other areas for unlawful purpose.
  • Indulging in commercial activities or sales without our written consent such as keeping contests, buying or selling virtual items related to our website which promotes gambling and is illegal.
  • Unauthorised access or attempt to gain so to any portion/feature of the website or networks that connects the website or server, computer or any other hacking, password or illegitimate use.
  • You shall not be making any defamatory, negative comment(s) or statement(s) against Bel-Patra.
  • You shall not be a part of any advertising or create on your own for buying and selling of products and services on this website and transmit any chain letters, junk email, or related to other users through this website.

Third-Party Rule

Bel-Patra is not responsible for the contents, products, actions, and services on the Website that are connected to Affiliates and/or third-party using Websiteā€™s APIs or otherwise. Bel-Patra may provide links to the third-party websites of our affiliated companies and few other businesses for which, Bel-PatraĀ is not responsible for evaluating or examining the products and services offered by them.


We highly recommend and appreciate endorsing and posting links to the Website in social media. User may create hypertext to link to this Website, but the link must not indicate in any form that Bel-Patra is performing any sponsorship or endorsement of your product/services unless Agreed upon in written document by Bel-Patra.

Product Description

Our product description contains most close/accurate representations of products. However, we cannot warrant that the product description or other content posted on this website is 100% accurate, reliable, complete or up-to-date. If a product mentioned on the website is not as per the given description, you shall return it back to us in unused condition.


We pledge to keep your given information protected and do understand the importance of confidentiality. If you object to share your personal information being transferred or used as per the Information Technology Act, 2000, you should not be using this website.

Buyers Declaration

By providing your personal information, you hereby admit that you are agreeing to us to have all the purchased products being shipped/delivered to your given address. The products will NOT be resold, exchanged, bartered in any way for profit, illegal or anti-national use. You also agree that any international shipping of any products sold by Bel-PatraĀ is not permitted and is subjected to legal actions and conditions as stated in Indian legal regime

Risk of Loss/Loss of Item

All the items are checked and shipped from our warehouse. We have a separate shipment contract and if any damage persists while receiving the product or risk of loss, the title for such products pass to you by the carrier for delivery of products.

Pricing error/Hack

There may be instance where a typo error on the pricing or description on the website can happen. There could also be a case where a hacker can change/update any information on the website. In this case, Bel-PatraĀ holds the right to rectify changes and update the right price or details. This also means, Bel-Patra holds the right to cancel the order placed with an inaccurate pricing and refund money back to its customer if the order is cancelled by seller due to any or all the above reasons. The mode of refund will be same as per done in order. Exceptions can be made based on case-to-case basis.

Contact Us

If you have a question or complaint, please write to us at Ā or call us on +91-79-82902-917Ā from Monday to Saturday between 09:30 am to 06:30 pm (except National Holidays).


Bel-PatraĀ products are not intended for any human consumption and can be toxic if ingested for humans/children/animals. Bel-Patra is not responsible what-so-ever for effects for any such incidence and will not be liable for any claims associated to it. A wide range of gardening products can contain ingredients not suitable for ingestion and shall be disposed of in a correct manner. Please note that any products should not be used for food,Ā personal, or any other purposes Ā other than instructed.

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